Pima Acceptable Donations

Pima Acceptable Donations

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Week 104 - Rescued Critters Food Drive

Hi Folks,

Ending Our Song on a Very High Note

In our first year, we donated 8,190 lbs. of food to PACC along with $4,042.76 in cash.

Our second—and final year—amounted to 14,324.6 lbs. of food and $2,262.83 in cash.

Combined, our Miles Neighborhood donated 22,514.6 lbs. of food and $6,305.59 in cash.

That’s a whopping 11.25 tons of food and a whole bunch of money.

Last September, as we started our second year, we donated on average, for the first 4 weeks, an impressive 270.2 lbs. of food. At that time, I said if we can keep up that momentum, we could donate close to 14,000 lbs. by the end of next year. We make that mark and more.

Thank you for being so generous. And I’d also like to thank the folks who included a little personal note with their last donation.

Ed Zapata wrote, “It is people like you that make me proud to live where I live.”

I feel the same way about all of you. I, too, am proud to live where I live. We are all proud of the Miles Neighborhood, aren’t we?

Others like Joey and Bob Wilson, Richard Fimbres and Diane Castro had well-wishes, too.

Again, thanks for supporting me support PACC.

 Back in the Truck for the last donation

This week’s donation was 218.4 lbs. of pet food and $70.00 in three checks. In addition, there were 7 pill bottles, a small dog collar, 8 rolls of doggy bags, a treat dispenser, a tennis ball, a treat cannister, a water bottle, a pet stroller, a steel bowl, 2 small coats, a bag of colorful plastic balls, a retractable lead, a bag of diapers, a bag of training pads, 2 bottles of Pancre meds, a double lead and 3 sheets.

See you … whenever you need me.
