Pima Acceptable Donations

Pima Acceptable Donations

Monday, October 22, 2018

Week 7 - Rescued Critters Food Drive

Hi Folks

Change is Good

No, not like life-altering stuff, more like pocket change gathering dust on the top of a dresser in the bedroom. That kind of change.

In the last two weeks participants have donated bags of coins to help feed the pups and kittens. The real surprise is how much is donated. Sunday the final count was $5.11 in quarters, dimes, nickels and lots of pennies. Since our basic donation is $1.00, that accounts for five neighbors which means we can meet our goal sooner.

So gather up all those coins cluttering your counter and dresser top and put them in a tidy sandwich bag. If you have enough to fill a bunch of bags, donate one bag every Sunday until you run out. You probably were wondering what you were going to do with all that change in the first place. Now you have a really good place to spend the money without having to count and wrap anything.

Haley watches me very closely to make sure
I account for everything. Not true, her only concern
is the Jones stick resting on the dog food cans.

Thirty-Nine Participants and Growing

Sundays are more fun now that I have a chance to chat with my neighbors and help Pima Animal Care Center at the same time. Anytime you get a hankering to see what all the fun is about, just give me a call. Your company would add to the fun.

This week we donated 7.8 lbs. of dog and cat food. Also, a neighbor donated two hefty blankets. The cash donation amounted to $60.11. This translates to 67 lbs. of pet food.

See you Sunday,


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