Pima Acceptable Donations

Pima Acceptable Donations

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Week 16 - Rescued Critters Food Drive

Hi Folks,

Thanks, We All Needed That!

Click on link.
In the past couple of days, some terrific things have happened for us … and puppies and kittens. Briton just banned all third-party sale of dogs and cats, I received a high-tech Christmas card and we collected lots for food for Pima Animal Care Center.

No pet stores or other commercial outlets in England can sell dogs or cats. Folks can only buy from rescue centers or breeders. The new law has overwhelming acceptance. Now, can the US be far behind? Soon after Briton got the Beatles we did, too. That is what overwhelming acceptance can do. (Click on link)   https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/pet-stores-uk-puppy-kitten-ban_us_5c22337ee4b05c88b6fbe44c

After my neighbors, Christina and Blake gave me the Happy Howl-idays Christmas card, the air was filled with gleeful puppy sounds. Over and over again. Nineteen seconds is just not enough. Click on the link above to start smiling and chuckling again … especially at the tone-deaf puppy’s final note.

Sixteen weeks and growing
Cody only likes unwrapped food and the pile of money
is of no interest at all. So he turns to what pleases him the
most, basking in the sun.
Monday, we donated 11 lbs. of dog and cat food and … $78.80 in cash. Such generosity helps us move closer to our goal of 2 tons of pet food more quickly.

Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

See you Sunday,


Monday, December 17, 2018

Week 15 - Rescued Critters Food Drive

Hi Folks,

Okay, This One Got to Me.

My friends, Roy and Mary Sasiadek sent me a Christmas card today to wish me a happy holiday and to tell me that Snuggles, their Westie, was turning 15 in March. Snuggles is the only puppy produced by my two Westies, Adam and Molly. This most delightful card caused me to think about all of the other pleasant dog stuff that happened to me in the last few days.

On Sunday, Burl, a neighbor on Miles walked up to the truck as I was about to hop out. “See, you don’t have to get out of the truck to collect donations,” he said with a grin.

We talked for a couple of minutes and he told me about two ideas involving Rescued Critters Food Drive that are in the works. Recently, Burl mentioned the program to a few of his clients and their interest was piqued. In fact, one client gave him that 24 lb. bag of premium dog food which we donated to PACC last week. He is thinking about ways to engage more of his clients and he promised to get back to me soon.

The other news was just as exciting. Burl has friends in Sahuarita who are thinking about starting their own Rescued Critters Food Drive. I told him to let them know I will provide all the marketing materials, so they don’t have to start from scratch.

This was very exciting news and I told him I really liked how he was approaching his involvement in the program. Burl called it “organic” because he is just telling folks about what we are doing and letting the idea take hold naturally.

On my late afternoon walk today with the guys, Kym a friend and neighbor on 13th Street, pulled up to the curb to chat. She said her client just gave her a Christmas bonus and she wanted to share some of it with PACC. It’s only Monday and I now have $10.00 to start Week 16.

Usually after the holidays I recycle the Christmas cards I receive. Not the kitty hugging Westie. Nope. That goes up on the wall to remind me to be grateful for all the small and pleasant Rescued Critters Food Drive successes we experience every week.

Togetherness, ©Sue Hall, Star Licensing. American Humane greeting cards. www.americanhumane.org

The First of Four Wraps for the Truck

The only vehicle (double entendre intended) for advertising the Rescued Critters Food Drive program is the Chevy truck. Tuesday the Cook Sign Company on Tucson Blvd. installed the tailgate wrap. To come is the hood wrap and the two side panel wraps. The total cost is approximately $1,100. Since the tailgate wrap cost $116.00 plus installation, I decided to pay for that myself. In order to complete the rest of the signage I will have to find a sponsor. In time, as the popularity of the program spreads, one may just step up to help. Meanwhile, all the folks driving behind me will have something to read while fighting the urge to pick up their smart phone.

This week, instead of concentrating on the food
she can't have, Haley decided to think about
chasing rabbits.

Lots of Christmas shopping going on this past Sunday so many folks were not home. However, we still had a pretty good collection. We donated 3.7 lbs. of cat food, 13.9 lbs. of dog food and 2 Slimcat Feeder Balls. The money amounted to $44.10.

See you Sunday,


Monday, December 10, 2018

Week 14 - Rescued Critters Food Drive

Hi Folks,

Just Look at All That Food!

While stacking the food on the table for a photo shoot, Haley bounds up the ramp to check everything out. Each product gets at least two sniffs. Then she sits down quietly and ponders the situation. Darn, none of it is for her. Don’t worry, she gets plenty of treats after the shoot for being such an engaging actor.
Nothing seemed unusual on Sunday until I reached the seventh home. Some folks were away and some had their donation on their porch. Then I saw the huge bag of Merrick dog food tagged with my name. That note told me no one was home here, either, but they were trying to make my day anyway.

The 12 cans of Instinct cat food had a story, too. The order my neighbor on 12th street got from Chewy a few days earlier had that gift inside. She decided to regift it to PACC. Four other participants donated bags of both dog and cat food. At the end of the day there were 39 lbs. of dog food and 14 lbs. of cat food for a total of 53 lbs. That is significantly more than our average weekly donation of 15 lbs. of food. The cash donation amounted to $33.90 which is a tidy sum, also.

This may be a turning point in the donation patterns where dry food takes over for cans. After 14 straight weeks my neighbors may be thinking this is a good thing and it’s not going away. No matter the rationale, Rescued Critters Food Drive is here to stay.

See you Sunday,


Monday, December 3, 2018

Week 13 - Rescued Critters Food Drive

Hi Folks,

13 is Our Magic Number

It was supposed to rain and be cold Sunday. That didn’t happen. In fact, the day was partly cloudy and very pleasant.

Haley just had her surgery cone removed so she is a bit demure.
That lasted about 4 hours and then she turned back into her 
old energy-ball self.
Next, I noticed that many, many folks anticipated my arrival and had a can of pet food out on the porch or a white envelope stuck in the door. This was the first Sunday— our 13th Sunday—where I could look down a block and pick out all our participants. Rescued Critters Food Drive has arrived. That’s good news for all of us.

We donated 13.40 lbs. of dog and cat food, in addition to a large towel and a unique cat food toy that dispenses food the longer the cat plays with it. The cash amounted to $101.15 
and $30,00 in checks for a total of $131.15. Since our weekly cash goal is $83.00, we did a real big number this past Sunday.

See you Sunday,


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