Pima Acceptable Donations

Pima Acceptable Donations

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Week 55 - Rescued Critters Food Drive

Hi Folks,

We Hear No Hope and No Future from Kids and Most Parents Stay Frozen in Place.

When Nick Zaeda dropped off his neighbors’ PACC donations I sensed some disappointment … in me, too. So, I discussed approaches, email requests vs. door-to-door collections. Both Nick and his dad said they would consider a different tact. It was unspoken but all of us thought their neighborhood program was failing early.

In our brief conversation I mentioned the Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg and her startling rise to prominence. I have been especially taken by her use of English. She speaks like a native born American, with eloquence so concise it is astonishing. “Do not listen to me, listen to the scientists.” “I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic … and act as if the house was on fire.” “Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words.”

Later in the evening my thoughts turned back to Nick and I became indignant, not mad, somewhat like Greta. These are terrible times and children are facing a future of crisis everywhere. So, when one kid asks for help from his neighbors, like Nick, whether email or face to face, why doesn’t he get that help? It’s just not dog or cat food. It’s food that PACC doesn’t have to pay for which means they can divert food purchasing funds to performing more spaying and neutering. This in turn would reduce both cat and dog populations. With respect to fewer cats, the US bird population could then begin to recoup the 29% loss it has suffered in the past few years.

Everything on this planet is definitely connected. It’s just not pet food Nick is collecting. Why don’t folks see that? And if they don’t really care or they can’t find the energy to engage, why did they have kids in the first place. It makes no sense, like their apathy.

I’m going to ask Nick to forward this email to all his neighbors with a little note like, “FYI, the founder of Rescue Critters Food Drive would like a word with you. Then I would like to schedule, via email, a pet food pick up time on Sunday. Thank you very much for your help. Nick.”

This week we donated 284 lbs. of pet food, 3 bags of Nylabones, one bag of Steak Sticks, a couple of grooming tools and $32.05 in cash and one check.

See you Sunday,


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