Pima Acceptable Donations

Pima Acceptable Donations

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Week 40 - Rescued Critters Food Drive

Hi Folks,
Standing Up is Catching On
in the Miles Neighborhood
Got the following email notice on May 20th from Becky Flores in the Development Services Department, Neighborhood Services.

Don't Forget To Use The One Entitled 
Neighborhood Association Mailing by June 07, 2019

The rest of the email told me I could send out a postcard, meeting notice or newsletter.

Huh! The newsletter piqued my interest because I was mulling over ways to tell folks about my alley clean-up project. A 4-color mailer could really get the job done quickly. I called Becky and she said I had a choice between a 2- or 4-page newsletter.

That was Monday, by Wednesday, the 23rd, I had approval on a 2-page newsletter and now all I had to do was wait by the mail box. Many days before June 7th the newsletter arrived. Nice surprise. The next surprise was my neighbor Rich on 13th Street stopped me while walking my pups and asked to be put on the list. He got it that he would become the contact for his alley. He smiled as if he liked the responsibility. Started cleaning that alley today.

A few days later I received an email from Brenda, on 13th Street near Campbell Avenue. We’ll meet tomorrow.

After my last call Sunday, I met two neighbors, Chloe and Dayne who are new to the neighborhood. We had a very pleasant conversation about fixing up their home, and of course, different ways to spiff up the alley.

Clean alleys are important but having neighbors who want to keep them clean … that’s the best.

Speaking of standing up, this week we donated 139.4 lbs. of pet food and $135.70 in cash and one check. Also, there were hand towels, pill bottles and harnesses. You might have guessed; this is one of the most generous weeks ever.

See you Sunday,



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